At the wrong place

[Tuesday, 08 August, 2006]

On the last working day of mine, we decided to go and catch the first day of fireworks at Marina.

Since it was only confirmed on the day itself, most of us did not bring home clothes again and everyone was already stink after the morning run, we went home first to wash up.

The meeting time was changed from 1830h to 1900h, which was still quite unrealistic. Gilbert himself was late and whereas the rest, other than Ivan and I, reached so much later like near 2000h.

Cityhall was badly packed and it was very difficult to even move around, needless to say, to meet up with them. It reminded me of situations like in Chinatown during Chinese New Year. We were astonished of course and it was a total turn-off. Ivan and I could not stand the crowd and left immediately to Marina Square once we met up with Gilbert.

The food outlets were all filled with people, even for fast food like MacDonald’s and Long John Silver’s had queue from the counters till outside the shops. It was a terrible sign for the viewing of fireworks might be obstructed by people. The only pro was that there were definitely more beauties on the road among the big crowds.

It was quite a disappointing night for me as Vivi was supposed to join us but her siblings once again had foiled our romantic plan. It was a teaching to me that in future, as parent, not to over-dote on any child or neglect any child’s feeling. Luckily my parents used to be very reasonable when I was young.

Kwang Han lying on the slope wall

Kengster acting cool

Simster, Gilberto, Xiao Hong

Kwang Han and Ivan

Gilberto, Xiao Hong, Kengster, Simster

Xiao Hong and Kengster

The moon taken with free hand

Kengster acting cool again

As the rest joined us at the camping spot right opposite the Esplanade, everyone was starving. We had a total strength of seven people, inclusive of Kengster, Simster, Kwang Han and Siu Hang. Some of them wanted to take their dinner despite the expense and timing, but Ivan and I decided to stay put since it was almost time for the excitement.

The two girls in front of us,
having more than average looks

Kwang Han resting

Xiao Hong revealing his true colours

Ivan, Gilberto, Kengster, Simster

Slowly, we started to occupy the down sloping wall by the side of the ultra wide stairs, talking craps. There were three girls further down, who had unintentionally stopped us from occupying the better positions, we teased about them as well.

The crowds at the wide stairs

Little part of the fireworks

As the fireworks started, we saw to our disappointment. One building was blocking our views totally and my tripod stand was useless. I gave up and stayed at the same position to view the little part of the fireworks, whereas some of them went to another side to have a better view.

Ivan and Kwang Han

Kwang Han at JustNoodle


The only me because I was holding camera
almost all of the time,
looking still as ugly with spectacle on

Kwang Han, Ivan, Gilberto with Simster at the back

Xiao Hong and Kengster looking ugly

After that, we walked to Suntec City and decided on dining at Just Noodle again. I was not sure whose idea it was but I loved the free flow of drinks though we did not stay for long.

Followed by the late dinner, Vivi called me and we started chatting over the phone. I felt bad actually since everyone was wondering what to do next and I did not suggest anything or talk to them. As we went up to level one, Gilbert was lost and we wasted some time searching for him as his phone’s battery had almost dried up we could not contact him.

Soon, we ended the night.

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