[Friday, 04 August, 2006]
Being disregarded, disgusted and indirectly humiliated by Protein, people who were aware of the situation sighed in despair. There was no sight of smile.
When flares were bottomed up for too long, sometimes it did convert into a form of hyperactiveness. Other than pinning Kengster down on the ground, tickling him and taking away his camp pass to force him into signing the clearance forms, there was a joint lame fun with Gilberto.
Just as I was about to sign the book-in/out book for the previous day, I realised the entry had been closed with only around five signatures. Due to the natural of the job scopes, many people often could not get to sign it early in the morning in order to boost the efficiency of work. However, most of us did make up by filling in at the end of the day.
It was obviously Blackie’s doing to close the entry for his handwriting and last entry before the red line to disallow anyone else to fill in. As a matter of fact, he was not a saint and often wrote his own entry late even though he worked in that office. Whereas this afternoon, his name was not found again and Gilberto had this brilliant idea to tear him down.
We helped others to write down their names and quickly closed the entry for the day. Thanks to Gorilla and Kengster for helping out to look for the red pens. And then the next moment we started to wait for Blackie’s black face…
He would eventually realise it.