Ivan’s Birthday 2006

[Monday, 23 October, 2006]

For about a week I screwed up my life. There was extra job of calling and coordinating things just for the sake of a present.

I called up a few persons as requested by Gilbert, who did the rest of the job. However, not everyone was really cooperative and we went on with some problems, and in the end decided to just drop the idea.

Peh, Gilbert, Ah Boon, Lim and I decided to get a smaller present for Ivan by ourselves. In the end, the coordinating of the time and place got me into another rage of frustration.

Finally, only Gilbert, Lim and I turned up for the dinner.

Chinatown – Walking to meet up with Lim at Maxwell Food Centre

I met up with Gilbert and Ivan soon arrived at Lucky Chinatown to join us. Then, we walked over to Maxwell Market to meet up with Lim, who did not pick up my call after more than five times. He got a little lost of the way and eventually joined up with us.


As Peh had expected, Gilbert decided to change the place for dinner. We gave in to him and travelled over to the Hans’.

Gilbert with the I’m-going-to-kill-you look

Ivan’s present wrapped by Gilbert using 1.5 hours

Birthday boy with his present

The all time good guy Lim

The camouflaged birthday “card”

The imperfection of the perfect wrapping

Ivan, Lim, Gilbert, Me; thanks to the present for acting as a stand

The fish and chip was not really nice and I was delayed that I had only finished half of the food after everyone had finished their meals. Everyone was amazed when I declared Gilbert had spent like one and a half hour to wrap the present up. His “card” had camouflaged with the wrapping that even I could not find it.

Gilbert and Ivan

Ivan, Lim, Me

Gilbert being surprise attacked by Ivan during photo taking

Gorilla’s spitting

Rotting around

Gilbert didn’t really get the angle I want

The beautiful place

After the dinner, we walked over to Clarke Quay and took many pictures before parting at around ten. It was a fun night.

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