Volleyball at ITE and Cow’s Birthday

[Tuesday, 28 November, 2006]

Volleyball at Clementi ITE was much better this time. I had a long nap before it since I woke up early. Even though it was supposed to start at 4pm, I reached near 5pm but was glad because they were just setting up the net. None of the elderly (Weitat, Mingfa, Kok Chiang… etc) was present. I started to help out with the tightening of the net then.

I was in fact surprised to see that the ITE and secondary school girls were quite disciplined that in the absence of their beloved coach Mr. Jevin Ou Ming Fatt, they started off warming up themselves; even though I was not sure of the normal procedure and they had started everything so late.

Kok Chiang arrived next and followed by Ming En who was so worn off by his job. Mingfa came straight after his boys’ training at CCAB and he helped me greatly with his nail clipper again. I thought I would cut my nails after the game before I left my house but they were making me uneasy actually with setting. Nevertheless, I could not set even after that, with my thumb’s nail already splitting a little from the flesh. Spiking was extremely good somehow.

However, the intensive training from Ming En and Kok Chiang helped me to get more feeling with the ball that my digging was much better than the previous few times. Perhaps, Ming En did not smash (not spike) the ball at me like what he usually did and that gave me better chance of saving all the balls. It had been long since I got so tired and that we cut the training off after some time. Having enough sleep helped in my performance a lot.

After the girls’ training, there was a bombing section dedicated to Xinyi for her birthday. She was attacked outside the door and was forced to retreat to the canteen where she was ambushed badly with water bombs. She ran to the other side of the car park with the continuous assaults. Later on, there were party sprays and “explosives”. It was a night proved too memorable for Xinyi.


Obscene hidding

Ah Gu’s revenge

The naughty girl


Laugh means still okay

Bang Bang!

And everyone stays away

And here comes early Christmas celebration

Nice pose

She looks like she’s going to cry

Cleaning up

The culprit has shown up

Cleaning up with the water hose

If you are still puzzled why I have been carrying camera around most of the time when I go out, the reason is such event does happen sometimes and it is always good to keep the good memory.

However, it was either due to the darkness or the low batteries, the delays in snapping each picture gave poor results this night. Whereas when there was no aid of the building’s light, I had to estimate the target’s position, which was quite difficult. The worst thing was that I had to maintain a distance even though my camera allowed me to zoom ten times because the flash could not hit that long distance at night. I needed to brush up a lot on my photography skill.

Before I could take any real good shot at the canteen, Mingfa shouted for me at the hall and I stopped everything. The friendly match against the outsiders began and this time we had just nice number of players; Weitat absent on the right day perhaps. I was doing well at first but my muscle was drained off by the earlier training. Soon, the problem on my left ankle started off and I even missed a good set from Mingfa when I was at number two, which I would usually treat the opponent ball biscuit before my operation even when my skill had rusted.

We thrashed the opponents in the first game but lost the last game when we repeatedly committed uncountable mistakes, but it was at a close margin. This time, we did not go out for dinner together as my mum had cooked.

I hope my left ankle’s condition would improve and that my right wrist’s corn would go away and that I would have enough time to play volleyball again.

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