First Visit to Lorong Ah Soo

[Saturday, 30 December, 2006]

I was occupied in the morning as I failed to wake up as early as planned to slowly pack my stuff for the chalet. At the same time, I needed to inform Zhirong, Bianhong and Alvin Cheong about the chalet’s cycling plan that would be executed on the first night. There was also a minor change to plan for my work and eventually I did not leave my house at the intended time.

I took bus 80 towards Hougang and followed through the route using my map. Halfway, I suddenly lost track after Geylang Road as the changes of pages was placed in different directions.

Before I arrived, Mingfa called me and told me he had forgotten to draw money from ATM before taking the cab. Later on, he gave around two more calls while I was rushing to find my way there before his cab arrived. Kelly was already there since morning to entertain the valuer.


Living room.


Master bedroom.

Second room.

Room nearer to main door.

The four of us, including Meijun, went up to block 142. Kelly and Mingfa went over to block 129 after a while and soon, the first client, Mr Net Ng, came and I went down to fetch him. He was quite weird but friendly and he kept on emphasizing that he was a businessman. However, he could not accept the unique shape of the house. Later on, other viewers came and I was quite lost out of a sudden. Sadly, my performance was not good enough.

There were around five groups of viewers in total and luckily Kelly came over to help settle everything. When everyone had left, she was busy settling her own personal stuff on the phone and soon, an agent called Linda called her and announced that her client wanted to take that flat.

It was a good news but we realised none of us had the OTP forms. I always thought Kelly had them inside her bike’s container but she had removed them due to the rain. Even though Linda had the OTP forms, Kelly still had to go back to her house to retrieve some documents.

Suddenly, one direct buyer, Mr Phua and his family members, dropped by and both Mingfa and I were lost. Mingfa brought him over to block 129 and later on, we realised he was very keen on block 142.

At the end of the day, we managed to get Jenny down to sign the documents since block 142 belonged to her. I realised Linda was a new agent, though more experienced. I was not sure why bigger company like hers was taking more commission and like what she claimed, they did not even have projects like mine.

In the end, all of us went to the void deck to finish up all the documents and had a little talk without realising it was around 6pm already. Jenny then drove Meijun, Mingfa and I to Kovan MRT and after some searching, we found the ATM and Mingfa returned me the money.

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