Home Alone

[Thursday, 04 January, 2007]

For the first day I was home alone, I woke up quite late as usual. I started checking and clearing email just like my normal daily routine but this time I aimed to pack up the house.

Chay Kuay Teow – my bunch.

I dragged on until around 3pm and I went downstairs to get my bunch. My mum had actually bought four bowls of instant noodle for me but I knew I should not feed myself on them all the time. By the time I got downstairs, the chicken rice stall which Bianhong’s mum worked in was already closing. I went to the market to search for food by myself for the first time in years. Eventually I bought a packet of chay kuay teow.

After the late meal, I decided to put the day into visible good use. However, there were too much things to do and it was quite impossible to turn the junk place into a cosy house within such short period that I was busy with the computer at the same time.

It started to pour. I tried to keep the clothes from the bamboos but realised some of the clothes were not dried yet. I packed the living room a little but the different part of mess distracted me and I realised I could not do everything. I cleared a portable table and closed it but there was no place to keep it. Then, I swept and washed the toilet’s floor which seemed to get dirty in days.

Packing of my own stuff took as long. When I began to sort out the documents for my work, I came across questions and consulted Kelly. I wasted quite a lengthy of her time. I began editing the photos taken during the chalet and at the same time, trying to finish blogging about it.

Bowl Noodle – my dinner

Into night time, I finally took out one of the bowl noodles but accidentally knocked it and spilled some of the ingredients. For the silly mistake, I wasted longer time to start my meal. After that, I continued with my computer work and forgotten about packing the house, whereby my work area was still in a mess.

There were sharp pains at the back of my head occasionally somehow.


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