No Reply from Agents

[Wednesday, 28 February, 2007]

It was yet another meaningless day. Even though sleeping hour was similar to usual days, I finally could wake up late without much disturbance to my sleep other than a SMS.

In the afternoon, Justus came over before I could do anything. This time, he was doing Chinese composition instead of the usual mathematics questions and it took much longer time. His Chinese was terrible. As usual, he was so easily distracted and thus wasting so much time. I took two video clips of him using my phone and he got quite angry somehow.

After he left, I started calling the agents to arrange for viewings for Kaven but all of them told me to SMS them instead. It was so different from what I had been doing; when I was selling the JTC flats, I was so professional and gave them reply almost immediately most of the time. I knew well I could not expect everyone to be as considerate as me.

As I waited on, none had replied me. The feeling was terrible and I was not sure if I was simply down-lucked. Throughout the day and night, I was considering about my work.

At night, I continued with uploading of outdated photos. Then, I also tried to update the property website but was quite lost with the design. I just could not appreciate my own work or perhaps, I was such a perfectionist.

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