Gilberto’s Approved Resume

[Tuesday, 17 April, 2007]

I had a great morning playing Condition Zero with my elder brother. I went off to sleep at around 5am.

Kaven waked me up in the afternoon to ask me for help regarding his harddisk, but I was unable to offer any assistance or advice. Just when I was about to go back to sleep, Kelly called me.

I was stunned to see Carol’s email, which was quite lengthy. Usually, I was the one typing all the long paragraphs in my emails for my friends and thus I was very amazed. She presented clear understanding of the web design job she was recommending to me but however, it put me down. She was able to give me sufficient information about it and I got a clear picture of where I stood. It was great to get to know such helpful friend who offered to help me so much when we had only met once.

It was during evening, Kaven replied my SMS saying that he did not know the law firm’s contact and address. Since it was after office hour already, I just let Kelly know about it and decided to give the May Bank a call to enquire about it.

I spent a few hours on working with my existing resume. Gilbert gave me very good advice. I was intending to add my NS’s experience as my work experience but Gilbert voiced out that all the dealing with computers, laptops, PA system and other equipments were useless since most people knew NS life was crap.

I also managed to contact Jinyang to invite him to join us in our team for the Rip Curl competition.

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