Viewing At Redhill Close Again

[Thursday, 26 April, 2007]

I had a few games of Condition Zero with my elder brother before starting into a little work, sleeping at 6am. I had a weird dream with secret missions and met Karin on the way; she looked so much like a little girl and did not recognise me.

I was waked up by phone as usual and finally got up at 2pm. It was another dull afternoon. Irene called me to change the time of viewing the Redhill flat and I agreed to meet her up at 6.15pm instead of 6.30pm. After leaving the house, she suddenly told me to change back the time.

I reached Redhill MRT right after 6pm. At least I was able to look at girls over there. There was a cute VJC girl who talked quite loudly and sat at the stairs near me. Her friend who arrived to meet her up was pretty. Not to be missed out, there was another babe who was alone. She was later freaked off by an old Indian man who went around shaking everyone’s hands.

Irene reached at around 7pm. I was glad when she passed me her namecard for that showed her politeness for me and not just treating me as any crook agent. I started swearing when the uncle started talking this time and he was asking for $450 when I had already come to a term with the auntie at $400. Irene looked very Singaporean and I was afraid that she would mind the condition of the house a lot. She wanted to leave very early but the old friendly couple continued to talk. On the way to the MRT station, she told me she was fine with the condition of the house but not the area. I waited for her to contact her family and friends before parting from her.

I took bus 145 home instead of train again. Since there were quite a number of passengers, I did not want to “fight” over seats with them and chose to stand. There was a cute girl boarding the same bus as well and soon she alighted at Henderson road. I concluded that Telok Blangah Height housed most of the babes in the south of Singapore. Or perhaps, there was more things to see to.

Dinner – Fried rice with chicken wing for only $2

Work resumed after reaching home. Since my elder brother was at chalet, I could concentrate better when I was home alone.

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