
[Thursday, 31 May, 2007]

I struggled till 5am for it was Vesak Day and I needed not to go work.

I waked up at around noon and began with my work. The slow computer pissed me off that I almost wasted the entire afternoon, which I could have possibly tripled my work with a better system.

Kelly called me again to inform me that the completion date for block 102 Bedok was the next day and since the keys were still with me, I was totally turned off. After talking to Mingfa, he said he would collect them from me and at the same time, he asked me out for steamboat with Wilson and some ex Shuqun players.

They arrived at my place in three cars owned by Wilson, Alvin and Shunliang. I took Wilson’s RX8 and proceeded to Bugis instead of Marina South, where we had problems finding parking lots. After we parked the cars, we went to the steamboat stall but there was a long queue.

We went to Bugis Junction instead and decided on Pastamania instead of Seoul Garden because of the price. Shunliang left to take duck rice and came back later. The girl who entertained me at the counter smiled without stopping, which puzzled me a lot. However, she managed to persuade me to pay extra two bucks for a ten inches Hawaii pizza instead of a seven inches one.

There was a cute waitress on training, however, the rest were joking about her because they claimed that her mouth was big like Jeff Wang. We joked about asking for her number. My pizza seemed to be on the plane and we called for this cute waitress who went to help me and get one with the circumference overcooked. We made some fake fuss over it and she was a bit loss. When she offered to help me get a replaced one, I refused to, for we already had enough of wait. Mingfa told her I wanted to get her number but I was cool with it. Shunliang helped me with two small slices of them and I had to stuff them into my mouth for their parking coupons were going to expire soon. before we left, I asked her to submit our lucky draw coupons and I told her the one on top belonged to Wilson in order to “sabo” him.

Inside the car during the car washing

Wilson’s good friend – the monkey

As we got back to the street where we parked the car, we crowded around Wilson’s lousy car to discuss where to go. Junyuan’s girlfriend needed to join her friends at Serangoon Garden and we decided to join them eventually. I got into Wilson’s car and he led the way until when we were at Hougang, the other cars lost track of us after a filter lane near the sports hall. Wilson decided to go to the nearby petrol station to clean his car.

As we joined up with the rest, they wanted to use the toilet and thus we went back to the Shell petrol station from the roundabout. Just then, we realised the mini-mart was 7-11 store and we went in to get drinks and titbits. After that, we went to a park nearby and joined up with Junyuan’s girlfriend’s big group of friends.

Shunliang seemed moody and I tried to stay close to him but there was no chance to talk to him about his problems with people around us. There was an unpleasant smell at the part where they sat down and I only went inside when they decided to play Indian poker and soon, changed to the “Zhong Ji Mi Ma” number guessing game. My guys were thinking that all of them were very childish, but we got to mix with them well with the game.

They started pouring all the different type of drinks into an empty bottle and even adding of sea weeds inside. I lost a game by accident and was forced to drink up the water which one of the girls added in the remaining washabi sea weeds, which was very disgusting for I had to chew on them for quite long before I could swallow them. My face turned red I supposed and I felt like I was drunk, and in fact, I would rather drink alcohol than to take that bottle of disgusting water.

We played the last game when I was supposed to “sabo” Junyuan’s girlfriend as instructed but Junyuan was not sure how to use my phone and the plan was seen through and Alvin was the final victim. After that, Wilson sent Junyuan, Junyuan’s girlfriend and I off. He dropped the couple near Bugis while I was still feeling drunk.

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