Dinner with Anthony at Tiong Bahru

[Thursday, 5 August, 2010]

A new website came into my mind but it was tough due to inexperience with the trades. I spent hours chatting with Vanessa while doing my work. I went to bed hours after sunrise. Eventually, I got up at around 2pm.

My lunch was chicken rice and it did not taste good. Anthony called me at before 5pm and we arranged to meet up at Tiong Bahru Plaza at 6.30pm after his work. I rushed down to the gym slightly after 5pm and started my second gym session of the week after missing one session for the previous week.

I took my weight using the weighing machine there and was surprised to see that my weight had hit 55kg after so many years. I was too lazy to tie weights to my body and thus I did the normal chin-ups with raps of 15, 13, 15 and 17, the last one with a single hand push from Bobby who happened to pass by. Both Tze Khit and Bobby continued to tell me to take some protein powder and they wanted to give me one tub for free.

I ran home as I was way behind my schedule. Within around less than half an hour, I showered and reached Tiong Bahru, but I was late for around five minutes. I met up with Anthony soon and we went to Thai Express where we chatted for as long as the staffs refilled my cup of drinks for more than five times. I did not like the idea of being treated for I was jobless.


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