[Monday, 25 December, 2006]
Chua had initiated an outing the day before. He had flooded my phone with messages and I was more than happier to have someone organising a simple gathering. He managed to get Gilbert and Rehan who were so keen to keep in contacts.
Gilberto at the stairs at Cityhall MRT |
Gilbert reached Cityhall the earliest after going out with his friends and I joined him as soon as possible after recovering from hangover. Both of us walked around Raffles City while waiting for the two of them. Finally, Chua called Gilbert and arranged to meet at Suntec City’s Convention Centre. Even though Gilbert had clearly told him I was right besides Gilbert, he called me after finishing talking with Gilbert. Chua was indeed interesting.
Yellow flowers |
Yellow flowers again |
Pink |
Orange |
White |
Yellow |
Gilbert and I took the main road instead of using Citylink which he claimed it was faster. Along the road towards Suntec City, we saw many beautiful flowers and took photos. We finally met up with Chua and Rehan after waiting for a while. We went to the food court (pathetic for a gathering but too bad we were not rich except Rehan) which was crowded and decided to go to MacDonald’s instead.
Gilbert had his special order again with Fantastic burger and a cake from McCafe, which made him the longest queuing customer. Scenery was nice for at the far corner there was a sweet girl with two foreigners. Rehan updated us about camp and both Gilbert and I were quite excited that our prediction had come true though it was sad.
I was not sure what was wrong with Shep that she still failed to gain popularity of her subordinates, which was a big tragedy to me. Ben seemed to be at loggerhead with a new sergeant and that was quite expected with his frankness. AVA was going down the drain and the regulars, including all the scholars, had failed to see the problems with the management. At least, I was sure everyone knew clearly people at my times were actually doing our jobs and some people like me were actually doing things out of our job scopes.
Chua, Rehan, Me |
Rehan’s car |
We went to the Adidas shop and Chua bought his bag. Then, we accompanied Rehan to the car park and it was the first time I ever stepped deep inside. It was divided into colours with alphabets and was really huge.
After Rehan left, we went to G2000 shop and I bought a pant for near thirty bucks after a forty percent discount. Then, we went to search for Chua’s ear piece and finally we went back to the food court for Chua claimed that he was hungry again. He bought a bowl of noodle and then Gilbert got a bowl of soup as expected. Chua insisted to treat me to a drink with the reason that he had not treated me for very long. Anyway, I was really amazed at the prices for almost every drink cost $1.50 except for my small cup of tea, which was $1.
Gilberto |
Chua |
We sat down at the food court for quite some time. Then, we started asking questions and Chua was really so interesting.
We left for home at around 10pm and I took bus 196 at Nicoll Highway.