Take a break

Been waiting for some posts for my ROC trip? I’m curious why they aren’t up yet. Yes I do know why – because I haven’t finished my writing.

Well, you can’t expect much from a person who had to go back to work just the next day right after he returned from his three weeks of overseas trip. Whereas for others, they have been clearing their offs to rest at home.

There’s nothing to be happy about, thus no motivation given. Life has been bad because foxtrot uniform charlie kilo echo romeo sierra are all around; you know you can’t stand the sight of them, so do I. They’re just bullies and hypocrites. They make me feel like going back to Taiwan.

My back’s breaking and the screwed up x-ray report requires two weeks’ time to be ready. Whereas the interesting MO gave three days light duty status on a Friday. Moving equipments worsened my condition.

I’m not defeated yet. I’ll show black face to anyone who tries to take me for granted. I’ll be damn nice to whoever can help me massage.

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