Year 2009 – Year of Hidden Fuel

Year 2009 was one of the busiest years in my life, having to cope with both work and studies, let alone my dreams. Time management was never my forte. I knew well I could never excel in any of them given the time restriction, but I had to persist on in order to get my …

Weird Lunching Team

On Tuesday morning when I reached my desk, I saw the driving basic theory book. Kevin remembered it well and spent extra efforts to even place it there, which made me very touched. It was not an easy morning when there was invigilation to do, especially having to arrange the messed up tables and seats …

Long Hours of Meeting

I managed to pull through my Sunday outside when I was not feeling well. The usual weekend burnt was back again for my studies. As Soon Siong had predicted, the meeting would drag for an hour before everyone was present. We met up at the usual place, at The Cathay Starbucks, but the seats with …

Thrice a Week

Last week was the rarest week of the year. I played volleyball thrice in a week alone. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday marked the history ever since I started working in my current job almost two years ago. I did not play as good as in the past anymore. On Thursday, I stayed alone inside the …

Life is a Bullshit – Society Needs the Paper – Toilet Paper

The words refused to go into my brain. I was not interested at all and thus, worsening the situation. I threw away free marks for simple questions. I knew I was not going to do it well. For the start, I knew I could hardly survive. I was simply going for the sake of the …