Tagboard and popup advertisements

[Friday, 28 July, 2006]

I had removed two URLs from the links page in my website. They used to be in the “web building” page, under the “tagboard” section. One of them was no longer providing free service, except for the seven days free trial, whereas another one, Cbox, was forcing popup advertisements.

At first, I thought some spywares were targeting Cbox and thus causing the popup advertisements. Sometimes after cleaning my harddisk using Spybot Search and Destroy (http://www.safer-networking.org), the advertisements did not appear; all along I was careless and did not notice the status bar of my web browser, showing an URL from the Cbox domain that was generating the popup advertisements.

It was until embarrassment filled my face, I was determined to find out more and thus discovering the URL on the status bar; the three popup advertisements at one time were far too irritating. After exploring pages of friends who were using the same service, I discovered trends of the popup advertisements. It did not appear every time, however, most probably at my first visit to that particular site using the service; therefore, once I had cleared my cache, the cookies and the temporary internet files, the advertisements would surface again.

Personally, I hate popup advertisement a lot; it is the best way to annoy your visitors. Giving extra windows for your visitors to close each time is a torture, too unkind to repay them for their efforts to drop by your site. If there is popup advertisement, I rather not use the service. Besides, there are other free services available over the internet; though might not be better, at least it will not annoy your visitors away.

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