Third Day of Course

[Friday, 30 March, 2007]

I was nodding really badly that I went to the bed and dozed off for some minutes before my mum arrived home. It was due to my work consciousness that I waked up in no time to continue with updating my sites. My brother was playing Condition Zero and I wanted so much to join in the game but the weight of money was higher. There was a little chat with Jianhao through MSN at the same time. I got too carried over by work due to the fact of the “dropping shares price” and eventually went to bed only at 6am and it took me quite some time to doze off with my plentiful thoughts mind.

I was trying to sleep for as long as possible for I had to attend the course at night. Mingfa waked me up at around 2pm eventually and he dropped by my house soon as he was at Bugis. There were some sensitive discussions before he left at around 4pm and I continued with my work. Kaelyn called me to look for some information online.

Self-made versus pre-made

When I was on my way to the office, I realised I had forgotten to bring my name tag. Upon reaching my destination, I started off checking new quotation from Kaelyn, which was with my Ou Xiang, and they did not invite me along. Then, I typed out my name using the office’s computer and printed it out immediately. I went back to the receptionist area’s sofa and started folding the big A4 size paper. Since it was around 6pm, Regina had left and thus I had nobody to chat with. Surprisingly, Winnie walked past and then she helped me to get some stuffs to complete my name tag.

Afterwards, I got to chat with Christopher. He was a manager from another team who I met earlier on at the computer area. He looked a bit like James Tan but seemed to be more concern about me. He gave me advices.

I was happy when one of the staffs for the course remembered my name so well. She was not a babe, but I really liked the feeling of being appreciated and recognised; I was always very early there for the course, which earned me the respect somehow.

Since Mingfa was not there, I had to sit alone until the pest came over to borrow pen from me and gladly shifted his stuffs over and that was my nightmare of the night. Apart from he was irritating; I could not trust him at all to ask about Kelly when he seemed to be together with one bastard of my team during a meeting which was months ago when Kelly was still around. Throughout the lesson, I was sleepy and could not concentrate.

I went to take bus 145 again instead of bus 167 or 196 for the route I preferred, which could give me some memories. There was this girl looking quite pleasant waiting down there and the bus arrived soon. Somehow she was so weird like as if she felt being looked at; when there were available seats behind, she chose to sit behind the bus captain. It was a turn off to see her alighting at the same stop as me but I purposely took another way home, which was of same distance.

My mum helped me to order fried rice to be delivered to my house and that was my very late dinner. At least, I was able to catch my favourite channel 8 China show “Zou Xiang Gong He” for the night.

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