[Sunday, 20 May, 2007]
It was yet another tough work and I finally got to sleep at around 4am. I got up before 8am to go for my haircut appointment. After that, I came home, bathed and dozed off again after some work.
I overslept and did not give Weitat morning call on time but he did not wake up despite calling him at later hour. I went to Harbourfront’s Seah Lm food centre and waited there alone. Mingfa was only on his way to meet Wilson up and Anqi as usual, was still asleep. I could have waited and hopped onto Wilson’s car but I had to wait for Ken for I was the one inviting him to join us. He came along with Clarence and I realised I could have spent the time more useful by eating first since they did not want to take any food.
We went in by bus and that was the first time they took the bus directly to beach car park. We went to the hotel at Siloso beach straight away because Ken wanted to get changed whereas I needed to pee. After that, we met up with Wilson and Mingfa who had already arrived at our latest hot spot. This time, an extra third court was built but there was no court line.
Ken and Clarence started playing with my volleyball but I only sat down to rest and wait for the noon sun to descend. Mingfa, Wilson and I went to the 7-11 and got ourselves a cup of big gulp each.
Pinky |
Fa Ge |
Ken |
Fa Ge again |
Anqi’s digging |
Clarence |
Apple under shade |
Pigson’s digging |
Ball man |
Pigson |
Hang the clothe |
Fa Ge |
Tiffany |
Clarence leaving |
Pigson |
Pigson again |
We started playing on the court but soon, got drained out and left to rest under the shade. Da Zhang met up with us but left soon since we were not playing anymore. Tiffany and Apple arrived, followed by Anqi. I was rotting myself away most of the time under the shade and even gave up a chance to play on the court with outsiders because we had too many people.
Weitat digs like flying |
Ken’s digging |
Weitat sucks |
Ken’s loving smile |
Weitat arrived and I joined them to play lazily outside the court when Da Zhang returned. There were two bikini girls going for suntan during late afternoon and Weitat said one of them was my type but I did not get to see her closely. Tiffany left with Apple after 6pm. Afterwards, I started playing with camera. Wilson, Weitat, Mingfa and I got to play inside the court finally. I played defence as usual and did pretty well but Wilson seemed to be exhausted from the previous games already. We won the first match but lost to the second team with an excellent player.
Bikini Anqi |
Group picture |
Group picture 2 |
We queued up for another game but gave up soon since there were a few teams queuing in front of us already. Then, we went down to the water, had a good soak and crapped about a couple nearby.
After bathing, I went to Coffee Bean with Weitat. The rest of them, Mingfa, Anqi and Ken, took Wilson’s car and left for Golden Mile. Weitat treated me to a cup of Black Forest while he took Chocolate Belgiam, which was a better drink since I prefer chocolate. Together, we waited very long at the taxi stand at the Beach Car Park. Many peop
le in front of us gave up and thus we managed to proceed to the first in queue but there was no cab coming in. we finally decided to call for a cab for it was already 9pm and the rest of them were waiting for us to begin their dinner. Soon, a cab came over and we got up after the passenger alighted. Until we were near the destination, Weitat finally asked the cab driver how to cancel the previous booking for cab; it was too late already but Weitat insisted in trying.
The gang had their dinner at the Thai restaurant with another guy called Chun Guang. Weitat and I took the leftover food, which was very little. Each of us had to pay $17 each at the end and I thought that was wastage of money for I could have spent less money on something I would enjoy and could have my fill.
We went up to Wilson’s hotspot, the Thai Disco. I was very turned off to see Wilson and Anqi asking for cigarettes from Chun Guang. They started playing games but I did not join in since I did not want to drink. After some time, all of them left to collect stuffs from Wilson’s car and ease themselves at the restroom. I gave Chun Guang some faces and had a slip of the beer. Suddenly three Thai girls came over and I remembered clearly the bad encounters when I went to the pubs with Quek months ago. Luckily, the Thais were not as aggressive as the Pilipino. I was only taken advantage on the back of my right palm when one of them accidentally scratched it and started to “sayang” there while apologising to me. I was not able to “talk cock” with them like what Mingfa told me to, for my English was not good and their accent was kind of weird.
Fortunately, Mingfa came back and I decided to leave. Wilson was asking us to accompany him with Chun Guang but none of us wanted to stay. They tried to get Anqi and I to go back since Wilson could send us home after that but I could not stand the girls. Perhaps, I knew well they were not the type of girls I wanted and thus, I would not take them even for free.
Anqi and I walked along the road and made two left turn, finally reaching the familiar bus-stop at Beach Road. I waited there for her boyfriend to arrive in a cab and finally caught my bus and went home. Work was hectic.