Out with Tze Khit and Bobby

[Wednesday, 19 May, 2010]

I lost to the sleep disease again. Even though I dozed off near daylight, I tried to set my alarm clock to wake me up early so that I could make myself more tired. In the end, I failed before I went back to sleep again.

At around 11am, my mum, however, woke me up for the air-conditioner servicemen were coming over soon. They were a father and son team and they worked quite professionally. They charged us $50 for diagnosing the problem of the system and also did a simple clean-up. Even though it was the first day of my brother’s work, he promised my mum to fork out the money first and he would return the sum to her later.

My brunch was chicken rice, which my mum bought from the stall that Bianhong’s mum worked at. It was much overpriced with the few pieces of bones.

I met up with Tze Khit and his partner, Bobby at the carpark and Tze Khit took us a ride to Sim Lim Tower. His driving was quite reckless but confident. After getting some fuses, we went to a foodcourt nearby where they had their lunch before we went to Sim Lim Square. Bobby was amazing with his knowledge even though he cracked too many jokes that I could not make up which were facts. Tze Khit got himself a thumbdrive, it seemed like Bobby was shopping while Tze Khit was merely footing the bill.

We went to Bras Basah Complex to print banners and the lady amazed me with her keyboard shortcuts with Illustrator. I knew I was not even fifty percent to a master of designer yet. I was not lucky for the lady whom they wanted me to look at was on leave. We moved on to shop around at the nearby A1 printing shop to look at brochure holder before we moved to the Popular Bookstore to compare prices. They bought a paper slicer and some stationery. I was tempted to the computer writing pad and sound speaker.

While going down the escalator, we saw a babe at the opposite direction and it was the luckiest moment of the day. We went to the A1 printing shop to purchase the holder while I was engrossed with all the interesting office equipments, especially a nicely designed signboard with calligraphy writing.

After getting all the items, we returned to Tanjong Pagar and had our dinner at the Burger King. Their $4.95 promotional set with the extra two chicken drumlets were a great pulling factor. Bobby was a very good father for he was troubled over his daughter’s little things. After the dinner, we went to back to the Gold’s Gym. Tze Khit had a client and I waited for his personal training session to end to set off together. We bid each other goodbye at the carpark.


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