Starhub Max-online is Crap

Following the past two weeks of slow internet experience, the Starhub cable modem demonstrated the “excellent” service from Starhub Max-online. The “POWER” LED was lighted but “DS” was blinking. The following LEDs were all dead except for the “LINK”. It was 2.30am in the morning, I was typing an important email, and doing other stuffs …

Bad Dining Experience at Clementi RC Jack’s Place

Last Friday’s lunch was Clementi Recreational Centre’s Jack’s Place restaurant. It was Dorothy’s favourite and most of the staffs already knew her name. All of them ordered steak except for me since I could not take beef. I had my usual fish and chips instead. Mrs Wo’s cup had cracks at the top. Then, Dorothy’s …

Another Unpleasant Visit to Outram Polyclinic

Last Friday, I went back to Outram Polyclinic again. The queue was short and I got to see Doctor Alfred Wong very soon, which was one of the fastest ever. He gave me the impression that he was from overseas, or rather, used to work as a journalist; he simply reminded me of a colleague. …

Ungrateful, Disrespectful and Rebellious

One way to judge a person is to observe. If you have helped him or her a lot in the past, even to the extent of bothering others, such as your boss, you probably have done enough to earn respect from everyone. At the point of time you witness him do something wrong and you …

Crappy Reason to Stay Up

Every morning, there are always reasons to keep me awake. The determination to sleep early has failed so badly till this day. The worst thing is when some crappy people causing it. How am I going to do anything when I have already drained myself fully and yet cannot replenish myself, and the cycle goes …