Monday began a tiring day. Mei Hoe accompanied me to stroll over to Clementi MRT where I boarded the bus to SIM. I did not bring my laptop along and I had to spend the time on my little notebook while waiting for Soon Siong to arrive. It was an interesting evening for we tried …
Tag Archives: bastard
Work Work Work
I never want to be a clown when it comes to serious work. I would never pretend ignorant in front of the chores. I never want to use my mouth instead of taking actions. There are just too many weird people in this world and we cannot force everyone to think alike. It seems that …
Starhub Max-online is Crap
Following the past two weeks of slow internet experience, the Starhub cable modem demonstrated the “excellent” service from Starhub Max-online. The “POWER” LED was lighted but “DS” was blinking. The following LEDs were all dead except for the “LINK”. It was 2.30am in the morning, I was typing an important email, and doing other stuffs …
Bad Dining Experience at Clementi RC Jack’s Place
Last Friday’s lunch was Clementi Recreational Centre’s Jack’s Place restaurant. It was Dorothy’s favourite and most of the staffs already knew her name. All of them ordered steak except for me since I could not take beef. I had my usual fish and chips instead. Mrs Wo’s cup had cracks at the top. Then, Dorothy’s …
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Another Unpleasant Visit to Outram Polyclinic
Last Friday, I went back to Outram Polyclinic again. The queue was short and I got to see Doctor Alfred Wong very soon, which was one of the fastest ever. He gave me the impression that he was from overseas, or rather, used to work as a journalist; he simply reminded me of a colleague. …
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Jealousy Bites
Jealousy can easily set a man to a despicable state. In an organisation, each person can have different job scopes; and some might have a lighter load for a lesser pay. Some work is non-visible and thus, others would probably misjudge. Nevertheless, it is extremely insensible and hypocritical to backstab your co-worker for not aiding …
We Cannot Have Everything
Before you can open up to express that you are getting too much of everything, new burden starts to rub in. Can you manage to focus when gunners are pointing at you while needy people are crying for your help? Can you withstand it when things are ways beyond your capability and yet you are …
Ungrateful, Disrespectful and Rebellious
One way to judge a person is to observe. If you have helped him or her a lot in the past, even to the extent of bothering others, such as your boss, you probably have done enough to earn respect from everyone. At the point of time you witness him do something wrong and you …
The Taxing Journey
I do not know how long more I can continue. The kindness is too easy to be taken for granted, whereas the equipment I need is still a distance away. I hate it so much when people perform drama in front of me. Being plagued by passages, words and endless new terms, my brain is …
Crappy Reason to Stay Up
Every morning, there are always reasons to keep me awake. The determination to sleep early has failed so badly till this day. The worst thing is when some crappy people causing it. How am I going to do anything when I have already drained myself fully and yet cannot replenish myself, and the cycle goes …