I have not been in the best of my health recently. Obviously, time is crashing on me. I would not dream of being recognised by everyone, but at least, would appreciate if none would dip my effort. I would rather you hate me now for going against you than you hate me in future for …
Tag Archives: philosophy
古嫌圣人百年修;我不贪、不望,只求不辱君命,并敬忠职守,而这已足我存似天崩地裂中。 孔之道我不敌,但先生之学我幕幕警惕。唯有信之过少平不容我。 心如刀割,就如失恋的感觉,即痛苦,即哀伤。 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
Work Wise
Carrying computers simply reminded me of the army days. Often, the person in charge of everything would not be an organised person, and thus causing extra work to be done. Though work could be frustrating and tiring, I would never run away. “Let’s quickly leave so that they cannot find us.” – I really hate …
Mondays, Respect, Effort
I begin to hate Mondays. My day is so packed that I can hardly catch my breath. Of course, not to mention, many people have far worse schedule than me. My time management skill is too poor. Nevertheless, I’m the most unlucky one perhaps for things always go wrong somehow. I can make efforts to …
Yu Dan’s Confucian theory (于丹论语心得)
Recently, I have been catching the lecture room show “百家讲坛” on Channel U called “于丹论语心得”, which means Yu Dan’s Confucian theory. For two thousands years, Confucian theory has been the mainstream school of thought among people in East Asia, such as China, Japan, and South Korea. It teaches us the most basic of life. Professor …
Lower Down Expectation
Often, I do or think too much for others secretly and I unintentionally expect a little consideration from them, which may not be towards me but others. I simply forget the fact that human beings are not saints. My sense of righteousness controls my mind excessively that I hate things go wrong, which often disappoints …