或许会有那么一天,你和我手牵着手一起走完这一路。 1 November 2012
Tag Archives: poetry
My Latest Photography, Poetry and Design Work
无论月再圆,有些爱情故事也无法圆满结束。 Photo: 29.09.12 Quote: 30.09.12 Final editing: 03.10.12 Camera: Sony NEX F3 Freehand
我在月下许个愿望,要你幸福永远。 我在雨中湿着眼眶,但庆幸你一切安好。 我在梦里盼望着,你每天会过得更快乐。
她不晓得我在忙些什么, 只督促我要开始为生活奋斗。 我欢喜又哀伤, 因为她的关心似乎盖不过她的不了解。 她不知我早已有了开始, 而辛苦时总会想着要继续为她努力。 我却早已明白一切已晚, 也不再期盼。 因为我不曾拥有,我不怕会失去 , 而朋友间就能显得更尖酸刻薄。 她永远也不会晓得, 就让她继续这样快乐下去。 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
Getting Back on Feet for a Day
[Wednesday, 4 August, 2010] The usual deep pondering caused my head spinning. I tried to break the record by going to bed before 1am since I knew it was going to be a boring morning in the internet but my mind refused to stop working. It took two hours for me to give up and …
Crappy Mood, Crappy Dreams
[Saturday, 31 July, 2010] I was in a crappy mood again. After a game of Condition Zero, I started composing a Chinese poem with the inspiration. I finished and went to bed at 4am. It was as per normal for the past few weeks, weird dream got into my sleep again. It seemed that my …
Still Far Away
Still waiting for the day and that’s why I’m trying so hard each day.It seems near yet far and I’m still figuring out how to cross over.The endless path takes my smiles awayLike the forceful water washing off river banks. Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
记得当年斗志高昂,疲惫是我开心自豪。路长心寒随风飘荡,如今忘了开心骄傲。 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
看清了这世界,看透了虚伪和放荡。我注重的、珍惜的,并不是每个人都在乎的。 这现实太繁杂,而我又敌不过倔强与堕落。我停了一口气,这地球还是在转动。 生态一天天地被污染,人心也一样。这是一种疾病,渐渐地摧毁着生命。 我累了。我累了。我累了。我累了。 Thursday, 19 November, 2009 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
谢谢你选择离开我的视线,让我能渐渐地把你忘掉。忘了你的可爱、忘了你身躯的摆动、也忘了你对我的玩弄。 我会慢慢地失去对你的担忧,因为人始终会清醒,明白世界是虚伪的,而有些人是改变不了的。 你的爱情只是一种游戏,在人群中留下无情的回忆。你的生命只有疑惑,因为你搞不清谁是真假。 记得我对你的好,承认你的叛逆。在你哀伤时,回味你曾幸福过。 Wednesday, 18 November, 2009 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .