Haircut and Portfolio Good Progress

[Thursday, 22 April, 2010] My mum started playing cards, which distracted me. I slept after 4am again, knowing I had to start sleeping early before my graduation ceremony. I gave my hairdresser a call and she told me to call her back at 2pm. Then, she made me wait for another hour. I got the …

Command and Conquer – No kick

[Tuesday, 20 April, 2010] I had a hard time trying to doze off in Tuesday morning. I continued with my portfolio for a while in the afternoon before I started playing Command and Conquer myself, winning in the three versus five game, first time using USA. I had another game with my elder brother and …

My Carelessness with my Personal Website

[Monday, 19 April, 2010] Monday was a plain and boring day. I got so bored of working with my portfolio until early morning that I started playing game in the afternoon. Progress of my portfolio was more visible at night but I got very bored of working on it and also on my daily blog …

Meeting up with Dear Sister Hoay Min

[Thursday, 15 April, 2010] I continued with the struggle with my portfolio, sleeping only after 4am. I woke up near 9am before my alarm clock sounded. I checked my phone and realised my dear “sister” Hoay Min had cancelled the lunch appointment with me. I was sleepy and tried to get back to my sleep …

Filing of Income Tax

[Wednesday, 14 April, 2010] After consolidating all the remittance advices from ITE for the previous year, adding up the fund that I had accumulated from them, I tried to file my income tax with the details and realised the site was on maintenance and the weird was that it was on daily basis. I joined …