You were probably out with someone else and had enjoyed your night. On this romantic night, your hand could have felt warm. True lovers just want their loved ones to be happy. Are you happy? On this very same day of every year, I felt the same. Luck was never with me. It is never …
Tag Archives: self explore
Not a Good Time for Birthday
It was a different birthday from the past twenty plus years. There was nothing special except that it happened to be a down period. I am never good at expressing myself verbally nor physically; but it does not mean I do not care. Friends who know well enough should understand that I am much more …
Life – to Enjoy?
It is a lonely night where the street lights ahead glow dimmer and dimmer. A man dragging a bag of a hundred tonnes staggers forward. He never seems to have a slight thought of stopping. Days after days, he gets more distanced from familiar faces. He finally collapses when his torn feet can no longer …
Voluntary Work at Sarah Home Again
[Saturday, 15 January, 2011] I was working hard on SEO for the tuition agency site when Sae Yeoh messaged me in MSN regarding my 2011 Singapore Calendar Planner. I sent her the original copy so that she could make amendments. I was glad that she told me she was going to help out at Sarah …
Slept for Twelve Hours
[Thursday, 9 December, 2010] I went to bed at 3am and eventually slept for twelve hours, waking up at 3pm. I spent the afternoon working on my tuition agency website and I set off to the gym earlier than usual. After doing workout, I accompanied Bobby and John for shirts amendment. Bobby had his early …
I’m Damn Free La
Often, I hate myself for being too soft-hearted. The fact that nobody can see how tight my time is even though I do not have an official job really sucks. I do not see why some people can find me only for help but are never free when I approach them just for a chat. …
Stalking Cameras
[Tuesday, 12 October, 2010] I soon realised I was embarking on a slow progressing week of my life that I was too lazy to do anything much efficient. I got to chat with Anthea on webcam in the evening. It was good since most of my friends did not like to use it, and some …
Getting Back on Feet for a Day
[Wednesday, 4 August, 2010] The usual deep pondering caused my head spinning. I tried to break the record by going to bed before 1am since I knew it was going to be a boring morning in the internet but my mind refused to stop working. It took two hours for me to give up and …
The Great Man's Lesson
“What is internal beauty?” one of the greatest men I have ever met laughed. The question sank into my brain instantly and stunned me as though I had discovered that I was living in a wrong body all these years. All of a sudden sincerity and self-sacrificing rebutted. I have never cared to impress with …
Hereby I vow not to Waste any Saturday like this again
[Saturday, 20 March, 2010] In life, we experience things in order to learn and “regain conscious”. Be it good or bad occurrences, they would impact strongly on our decision in future. I have learned many things in just a Saturday alone. For success, there is bound to have sacrifices; friendship and promises are just pawns. …
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