Not a Good Time for Birthday

It was a different birthday from the past twenty plus years. There was nothing special except that it happened to be a down period. I am never good at expressing myself verbally nor physically; but it does not mean I do not care. Friends who know well enough should understand that I am much more …

Voluntary Work at Sarah Home Again

[Saturday, 15 January, 2011] I was working hard on SEO for the tuition agency site when Sae Yeoh messaged me in MSN regarding my 2011 Singapore Calendar Planner. I sent her the original copy so that she could make amendments. I was glad that she told me she was going to help out at Sarah …

Slept for Twelve Hours

[Thursday, 9 December, 2010] I went to bed at 3am and eventually slept for twelve hours, waking up at 3pm. I spent the afternoon working on my tuition agency website and I set off to the gym earlier than usual. After doing workout, I accompanied Bobby and John for shirts amendment. Bobby had his early …

Getting Back on Feet for a Day

[Wednesday, 4 August, 2010] The usual deep pondering caused my head spinning. I tried to break the record by going to bed before 1am since I knew it was going to be a boring morning in the internet but my mind refused to stop working. It took two hours for me to give up and …

Hereby I vow not to Waste any Saturday like this again

[Saturday, 20 March, 2010] In life, we experience things in order to learn and “regain conscious”. Be it good or bad occurrences, they would impact strongly on our decision in future. I have learned many things in just a Saturday alone. For success, there is bound to have sacrifices; friendship and promises are just pawns. …