Out of love

I rushed to Harbourfront Centre right after visiting the doctor and yet I was still earlier than Anqi. Siew Chin, Jinyang and I went in first while Tze Khit stayed there to wait for her.

There were only three courts left at Sunsetbay since the rest were taken down for the Zouk Out event. We just stayed outside the court to play because I didn’t want to pay when we were going to leave so early.

Sinong joined us uninvited and kept Jinyang tired with his non-stop craps after we stopped. Tze Khit and Anqi arrived at around 1530h, which was three and a half hours after our meeting time.

This day, I fell out of love again!

I kept myself occupied by looking at a girl in lime green tube. She was quite pretty, cute in her small size, though she didn’t have big chests. What I admired her most was her braveness and I believed she must be very easy to get along with.

If only she didn’t hang out with this group of guys, that I didn’t know if any of them was closely related to her, I’d have gone forward to ask her to take a picture together. She was alone most of the time, lying near the water.

She was my girlfriend for the day – I don’t care!

I didn’t fail to keep Jinyang and Siew Chin in peace ever since. They didn’t give me enough encouragement to step forward, moreover, they were the ones pushing me to leave, even before Tze Khit and Anqi returned to take care of their own bags.

Jinyang and I had great fun teasing Siew Chin all the way. Too bad, he alighted at Commonwealth station and I stood alone to battle to embarrass her. The two of us alighted at Chua Chu Kang and took bus 985 to Xinyi’s house.

I was surprised that we were even earlier than Weitat and his food. We started setting up at around eight and then the supposed-to-be user-friendly charcoals couldn’t be lighted up. Two lighters were spoilt and then starters were invested.

I was saved by Xinyi’s mee hoon. The actual barbecue started only around nine but I was already too tired to climb up to the roof top at the fourth storey to join in. I was too tired and my feet were hurting a lot, and I wanted to watch the Condor Hero.

It was such a waste that I couldn’t stay overnight because I had to go to Johor Bahru with my family for my younger brother’s birthday. I couldn’t even stay till very late since I had only ten bucks inside my wallet; but actually, I wouldn’t want to waste the money on midnight cab no matter what.

I hopped on to Mingen’s pickup and he sent us to Chua Chu Kang MRT. It was so cool!

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