Three swimmers

A little headache I had for the swim on Sunday. Gilbert and Terry were supposed to meet me at Jurong East Swimming Complex at 10pm. Peiyun suddenly called and said she was going with Peisi but suddenly they changed their minds.

We went to Boonlay instead as Gilbert want to go for his crazy shopping at Jurong Point with his PacNet privilege card; however the shops were not open yet. So, we went to MacDonald’s to have breakfast where we were eyeing the cute part-timer who was tasked to clear all the tables. Apart from her pony tails, her eyes made her so unique from other girls.

Gilbert was mad when the shops were opened. He abandoned us on his electrifying footsteps and so many times we lost track of him for a moment until we reached the desired shops. He was so auntie-like that he could not afford to waste the chance to get cheaper stuffs with discounts, even to know that the shops eventually gained more from his purchasing.

We took bus 198 to Jurong East Swimming Complex. Three was a small company and they did not want to rent a float this time. We toured the Lazy Pool a round and then moved to the Wave Pool when the hourly waves started. At times, I almost could not make it back since I was gasping badly for breathe every time I exerted.

There were a few pairs of couples with sweet girls. The place was quite “dark” with the people and the water was yellowish, which was the worst that I had ever seen. We moved on to the Olympic size pool and I realised Terry was extremely slow in his strokes. Gilbert refused to demonstrate the Butterfly stroke no matter how much threat I gave him, insisting that he did not want to be AS (attention seeker) in public pool.

Terry and I had so much fun at the yellow slide. We were making stupid studies on how to secure a smooth landing into the water; my nose was splashed by the water so many times that I almost lost my conscious. Then, I tried to reduce the speed of me dropping by pressing at the inner part of the slide, but it did not work and instead, almost caused cramps.

As we brought Gilbert from the Wave pool back to the Lazy pool, I tried to be funny by swimming against the current and my left toes cramped. I spent quite a long time to recuperate inside the “cave”, where we watched couples moving past. One of the babes was lying face-up on the big round float and her boyfriend jumped onto her facing downwards; they went a few rounds in that position, which was quite awful.

As the dark clouds approached, I gave in to the hungry Gilbert who wanted to leave. This swim was not very fruitful for I could not find my “girlfriend” and it was quite boring with only three guys.

We took a train to Jurong East, thinking of going IMM after eating at the nearby hawker centre. I had a big plate of western food for five bucks and then we went to the pasar malan. I wanted to get a sling bag for $18 but was not sure if I could find a better one. In the end, I bought some paper CD casing at the Popular whereas Gilbert did no get anything.

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