You know – it’s going to be sad if someone doubts you after you’ve tried your best and even put in the best thoughts for him or her. People who are older or more experienced or successful would definitely advise you to persist on. But does it worth to waste your time on someone who …
Tag Archives: army
Where's Kenneth Guo?
He said if anyone made me carry things, go to him immediately. He said after my physiotherapy sessions, he would downgrade my PES status. Now that he’s clearing leave, where do I find him? Skai Chan @
The place call HELL
I’m totally disappointed. I’m being stabbed all over my back, my soul and my most inner purity. The person who I thought I could trust most doesn’t believe my words. The deepest respect I’ve always shown her mocks at my stupidity. My injustice lays unrest. I know I should never trust officers in ***. I …
Heroes of the night
Nowadays, the contractors have become more and more “garang” (hardworking). You’d never believe they’d stay back for work until near midnight. I don’t know if I should curse or praise them when I’ve to stay along with them. It’d be cruel for me to chase them away when their project was going to be due …
People make the place
When it’s useless to say, I rather not tell. I can never get away from the hellish place. This moment you scrub my back but when I walk away you try to stab me. Sometimes I just can’t understand smiles can be so fake. I did try to explain, the dowagers refused to listen more. …
The bills that I love
I always don’t bother to check the bills; there’s nothing I can do about it and it doesn’t really concern me. I’m lazy. But this time a sudden curiosity aroused me and I took a look at the payment slip. THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE : $21PHYSIOTHERAPY REVIEW : $12–TOTAL CHARGES : $33 GOVERNMENT GRANT : $17-–TOTAL AMOUNT …
Ugly ***
I really can’t stand this ugly military life. It shags me out totally in both physical and mental, that I’ve been dozing off before midnight these two days. The medical officer warned me so many times not to carry any heavy load when I brought the x-ray films to him two days ago. I was …
I’ve never liked army’s life, except for some kind souls’ companion. You put in your best and do what you can, even when you’re sick or injured. You stay back to do extra work alone while others give excuses to go off. You’re promised off to claim but suddenly they say everything’s cancelled. Once the …
He walked off
I stepped down and was ready to leave. Suddenly they came back and calmed down my anxiety. But somehow they weren’t leaving and I didn’t know what was going on at all with the pissed face. There was one guy missing and his name was heard. I was dead beat but I knew I couldn’t …
Suggestion Forms
Title:Key/Equipmment Movement Scanning System Situation/Problem:There are many equipments and rooms in BLK 202. Everytime any equipment or key is drawn or returne, documents are to be updated, which takes time. During peak hours, situation worsens and lessons are being delayed due to long queue. Documents may not be updated properly as well. Solution:A scanning system …