Main reason why I rarely do public commenting

One of the main reasons I don’t like to do public commenting on friends’ social media profiles is due to uninvited interruption. Some bees out there are likely to interrupt given any chance if your friend is attractive. One such example is my conversation with Shujuan in one of her latest Instagram photos. She was …

Birthday and Friends

Another year had passed and things had remained almost stagnant. There was neither surprise nor excitement. More friends had gone quieter or probably found their fun in other places. This was the first time my mum was absent in Singapore on my birthday. There was nothing sad about it but merely a new experience to …

Live Happily for Your Loved Ones

I almost missed the news that Huiting’s dad had passed away. It happened that I went out for photoshoot and did not scroll through my Facebook news feed. On the second day, Ahpa texted me and I felt very guilty for not been there to show prompt concern for the kindest girl I ever knew. …

Finding Home Tutor for Oliver

After last Saturday’s volleyball and late dinner, Bernard, Oliver and I took a ride in Weitat’s car. We were asking about Oliver’s studies when he talked about his current tuition sessions. His E-maths tutor charged him at the tuition rate of $45 per hour and he could not understand anything. He did not voice out …

Scammers Steal My Photos – but There’s Only One Me

I have being hypnotised to believe that I am cute or at least photogenic. Maybe I’m popular? After my photo was stolen in Tagged by a scammer Lawrence Tan with the MSN email a couple of months ago, recently I get to know of another scammer who is using my photo in Facebook. The …

Year 2011 – Year of Living in the Mountain

Year 2011 was one of the worst years in my life. It was a year of isolation that I hardly met up with anyone. Most friends were busy with their own lives and work, and all the outing that some of my ex colleagues had promised to organise vanished with time. I was, in fact, …