She’s a Babe

[Wednesday, 22 December, 2010] I did many minor things and by the time I went to sleep at 6am, I could not even remember what I had done. I woke up at 1pm and rushed down to the office because Mike told me the SingNet guy would be going down. I was not sure why …

To the Office Many Times

[Tuesday, 21 December, 2010] The key thing I did was blogging, followed by editing of my photo. It had been too long that I did not play with PhotoShop and thus I refused to go to bed until 8am. I woke up at around 1pm and went to the gym to find Tze Khit. He …

Freelance Work for Bobby and Fixing up Office

[Monday, 20 December, 2010] I started the day blogging again and went to sleep at 6am. I woke up many times due to incoming SMSes. Eventually I got up after noon. I went to the gym to help Bobby with his poster and flyer editing before going to the office. Mike and I continued to …

Being Cheated to Church Event for Second Time

[Saturday, 18 December, 2010] I was busy with the tuition blog and eventually I updated the website with Google Map. The display refused to show the new location and I wasted a lot of time trying out. I also finished up some minor amendments for the tuition’s flyer. Lastly, I updated email and password for …

Painting Work at the New Office

[Friday, 17 December, 2010] After the exhausting day, I was finally home. Due to lack of sleep and extreme long hours of physical and mental endurance, I was on the verge of breaking down. I was helpless because I was jobless and needed the time to do up my website in order to get it …


[Thursday, 16 December, 2010] I worked on the tutor registration page for my tuition agency website and was quite satisfied with the contents improvement. I went to bed at 5am but could not stand Lucky crying outside that I went out to accompany him. However, Lucky refused to stay still and interrupted my sleep even …

Office Under Renovation At Last

[Wednesday, 15 December, 2010] Caiping messaged me in Facebook out of a sudden to invite me to a magic show. I was quite surprised but delighted at the same time to be remembered. Since it was on Saturday evening, I supposed I would be free enough to join her and thus I accepted the invitation …

The Expensive Shopping at IKEA

[Wednesday, 8 December, 2010] After receiving a great guidance from Mike, I started revamping one of my blogs. I had a great challenge trying to work on the Blogger’s Layout. Eventually, I dozed off at around 1pm. I woke up an hour later to meet up with Mike. I did not take the noodle that …

Excited with the Office

[Saturday, 4 December, 2010] I had supper, or rather, dinner with my family at the MacDonald’s. After reaching home, my elder brother, my mum and I brought Lucky down for a walk. My excitement for the upcoming office space was never shown, not even during the shopping trip earlier with Mike since I was too …