Founder of Carbon Copy in MSN

[Sunday, 16 October, 2006] Composing an email in Gmail When you are composing an email, there are a few text fields for you to fill in like the “To:”, “CC:” and “BCC:”. Have you ever wondered what are they? The first field “To:” is obvious for inputting of the actual recipient’s email address. The second …

Register MSN Account with Non-Hotmail Email

Some people have been wondering how to use your Gmail account to sign up with using MSN messenger. I finally have the URL again. Go to (dead link by now) and under “Sign up today”, look out for the second header “Use an e-mail address you already have” and click the “Get started now” link …

Kian Wee and His Wonder Brother

kW says: your friends should be zi dong enuff to leave some private time for you and vivian Dumb says: leave the room for us ah?Dumb says: later 闹出人命 kW says: hm…den u use rubber band tie whole nite..nothing will happenkW says: /giggle Dumb says: wah sehDumb says: hahahaha kW says: it’s 1) easy 2) …

Xinyi's promise

SiLlYDuMb: changed hp number. said:this saturday beach xXxinyi says:haaxXxinyi says:who’s gg xXxinyi says:i got pedicure appointment lei SiLlYDuMb: changed hp number. says:what’s pedicure?SiLlYDuMb: changed hp number. says:kachua kok chiang ah bee weitat mingli and i so far xXxinyi says:ahaaxXxinyi says:i try to put off the pedicurexXxinyi says:but i postpone alr leixXxinyi says:if u guys go …