[Monday, 09 October, 2006] There was a single black line across near the top of my screen. I tried to switch windows and later off and on the power of the monitor but every way seemed pointless. A few days ago, there were a couple of times when the whole screen turned black for a …
Tag Archives: computer
My CPU was burning
[Friday, 25 August, 2006] Suddenly there was a burning smell in front of my computer. I went to the kitchen but it was perfectly alright. When I got back to my computer, the smell got stronger and I started to panic as I heard the sound of my CPU. My first instinct was that the …
Monitor size matters
A bigger monitor spells another problem; it means that I have to be more careful on designing. I can set my resolution at either 1024×768 or 1280×1024 pixels. 1024×768 pixels allows me to see everything clearer since they look bigger; however, in design term, I have to plan for users with monitor size 16’ or …
Totally lost
[Monday, 24 April, 2006] Yuqing sent me all the way home with my “new” monitor in the rain. The journey was of dangers and tiredness. The vehicles in front were splashing powders of water on the windscreen and there was this curve after Tanglin Mall that the opposite car dumped the whole pile of water …
Slave for you
This bloody thumb drive just doesn’t work okay? There’re limited things I can do but nobody understands. I’ve tried on my brother’s computer and it can’t be detected. I don’t know what’s wrong with it or perhaps the computer itself sucks. I’ve been hesitating for hours to try on my computer and I really hate …
Old keyboard
Sometimes, it’s so incoveniet whe your keyboard spoils. Ofte, the key wouldn’t trigger whe you press. Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com