Year 2010 New Year Resolution

Quit being a lecturerSince more than a year ago, I wanted to leave for hundreds of reasons. It has been accumulating. Find a stable jobIt is time to get a stable job to have a stable income while striving for my future. Get driving licenseMany people are born with silver spoons and they can start …

Passed My Driving Basic Theory Test

Wednesday morning, I was relieved because there was no relief duty. Walking into the office was like torturing myself inside a big freezer without clothes on. Thus, I moved to an empty classroom to do my remaining studies for the basic theory test. I received my new project before the holidays even started, which boss …

Registered for Driving Basic Theory

It was not my idea to be committed anymore for there was more things for me to focus on, or rather, I could have spent more time resting instead. I ended up joining Jingkun for lunch at 1pm instead of the rest at 12pm. I did not take breakfast because my mum woke up late. …

Volleyball after Reservist

After missing two sessions of volleyball game, I finally got to get back to the court again. I was, however, hesitating to leave the house; there were too many things to do and I was just too tired. Sleepiness took control over me and I felt doped. This evening, there were another team who came …