High Efficiency in the Office

[Monday, 31 January, 2011] I had the leftover satay from the chalet as supper. My elder brother placed some of them into the oven. Both of us preferred doing it on a barbecue pit but it was quite difficult to do it inside HDB flat. I wasted a lot of time reinstalling my software that …

Google Page Ranks Updated

[Friday, 21 January, 2011] I struggled to continue with the article Private Tutor Singapore. I had some competitor analysis before going to bed at 6.30am. An SMS from a tutor woke me up after 12 noon to inform me of an error in regarding to registration. I checked the database and realised she had typed …

An Unintentional Open Challenge from Unknown

[Wednesday, 19 January, 2011] Into the morning of Wednesday, I managed to push the article Tuition Agencies Singapore to live. Eventually I slept at 5am. I continued my day at 12.30pm and reached office at 2pm. Upon checking my inbox, I saw an email from someone who wanted to rent me his website because he …

Post Card from Google

[Wednesday, 14 February, 2007] Comments I had finally received the Personal Identification Number (PIN) from Google Adsense after so many weeks. It was like a folded postcard and the three unconnected sides were enclosed with a sticker each. I did not bear to damage it in any way and thus I only took some peeps …