Part-time Job at Overseas Union House

[Thursday, 26 October, 2006] Yuqing introduced me to a part time job for his relatives and I was quite keen to take it up at first when I thought it was only for a day. Then, I got a disappointed as it stretched over the weekends when I had to go for the Career Fair …

For a better future, hopefully

[Monday, 11 September, 2006] It has been more than a month since my near-freedom days and I have somehow completely slacked down. Apart from “owing” so many outdated blog entries, I have not even completed a portfolio or resume. I woke up this day with a light body, feeling so restless and strengthless, whereas my …

Being sensible and responsible

I was lying on my mattress while watching television show, knowing I was tired enough to doze off but I was too tired and had to obligate my disabled body. My mum woke me up for my phone ringing thrice. At first I felt frustrated but later I realised it was our usual trend when …