[Saturday, 1 January, 2011] At the first minute of the year, I was busy blogging with the long due entries. Mike was relaxing himself with the Starcraft 2 game. We left at around 1.30am and I went to bed after 2am without switching on my laptop again. I woke up at 11am and dozed off …
Tag Archives: programming
One Burden Off and Elder Brother was Home
[Monday, 27 December, 2010] I was trying hard to solve an issue on Smart Tuition’s CMS that caused auto reload on completion of the first load. I walked through my coding and saw nothing that would trigger it. I was suspecting the server side but I failed to solve the problem. I went to sleep …
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Home Alone Final Day
[Sunday, 26 December, 2010] I continued with my programming work on Smart Tuition Singapore and then blogged. I went to sleep after 4am. I woke up at around 10am and started hand-washing my clothes. After that, I dozed off. I had my first instant noodle ever since my family was away, for my lunch. I …
Home Alone Day Three
[Saturday, 25 December, 2010] I spent the morning blogging. Before going to bed at 3.30am, I collected the clothes from the bamboo sticks to keep them. Lucky disturbed me from my sleep many times. I woke up at 11am by Mike’s SMS and we met up for breakfast near the 7-11, at one of the …
The Expensive Shopping at IKEA
[Wednesday, 8 December, 2010] After receiving a great guidance from Mike, I started revamping one of my blogs. I had a great challenge trying to work on the Blogger’s Layout. Eventually, I dozed off at around 1pm. I woke up an hour later to meet up with Mike. I did not take the noodle that …
Movie Exorcism and Mandy’s Stir-up
[Tuesday, 9 November, 2010] I continued with my tuition website work and spent some time blogging before going to bed at 3.30am. Since I was earlier, I bought my breakfast first and Terry did not get anything. It was raining and many NSmen who were being deployed to other zones came back for IPPT and …
Sunday on Debugging
[Sunday, 7 November, 2010] I spent my Sunday morning debugging my website. There were some errors found in the log file and I was so lost for it seemed that nothing was wrong with the codes. I blogged and went to sleep at around 5.30am but I managed to doze off near 7am. I woke …
Reservist Day 3 – The Test was Over Again
[Wednesday, 3 November, 2010] I worked on my website until 2.30am. Even though I woke up at 5.30am, I dozed off again and my mum saved me at 6am. I met Terry on the train and we waited a while for Kang before going to the bread shop. I got myself a bun for breakfast. …
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Back to My Workplace in the Living Room
[Friday, 29 October, 2010] I went for supper with my younger brother and mum at the prata shop. After that, I had a fruitful morning working on my tuition agency website with a new page. I took the contents from my portfolio property site and made amendments to list Singapore’s District with Postal Code. I …
New Article and Debugged for Smart Tuition Singapore
[Tuesday, 19 October, 2010] I continued with my first article for Smart Tuition Singapore. Then, I did programming for the website’s administration page while I fought against my mum’s loud snores. I went to sleep after 7.30am. Lucky attacked my bed like usual and he succeeded sleeping besides me as I was too tired to …
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