Mobile Phone Number Changed

I signed up a new Starhub mobile phone line under my mum’s name to enjoy the Hub Club privilege with discounts since we had Maxonline and SCV. Last week when I called Starhub to cancel the line at night, they told me they would call me at my previous line back within five days to …

Staff Bonding – Food Rally

Friday was quite a special day. After some hesitation, I finally decided to go into the office in shorts. When I saw Alvin wearing more causal than me, I knew I was safe. Afni made some cupcakes for everyone. Most people were in high spirit. I went to Pui Kuan straight away for the amendment …

Setters Make a Great Difference

Last Friday, I finally changed my wallet. The small cutie had too much tearing that I did not want my cards to be dirtied more. Therefore, I started using the big old wallet I bought together with Junrong during my polytechnic days. We had lunch at Commonwealth. I bought a plate of nasi lemak but …

Cheap Versus Expensive Medical Bills

I got up early on a Saturday morning unusually. It was all for the money spending trip at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) again for my medication appointment. During the visit to the medical centre in Stagmont Camp some months ago, the medical officer (MO) helped me to schedule an appointment with the specialist as to …