Firman’s Convocation and Wanling Met Lucky

[Wednesday, 6 October, 2010] I spent some time after midnight asking Kachua and Joceyln to test my website. I went to bed at 5am eventually. Lucky refused to sleep and it was difficult to doze off as my mum would start screaming whenever he went near her. I woke up before 7am and waited nearly …

Visiting ITE and Collecting my Degree Certificate

[Thursday, 6 May, 2010] I tried my best to sleep early at 2am since I wanted to get up early to get my certification at SIM in the early morning before going back to ITE for visiting. As usual, it took me quite some time to doze off. My brother and his girlfriend left for …

FYP Presentation was over

It was my last struggle on Saturday morning to finish up all the work, including updating the site and flash video. I was nodding so badly since I had already exhausted myself the night before; and yet, I went off to bed after 3am again. As expected, I could not wake up a couple of …

Sick and the SIM Babes

My health had been depleting for the past few days ever since Sunday morning. The bloated stomach invited flu along on Tuesday night and I almost could not make it for work the next morning. Taking panadol caused me bad cough and I could not doze off with the irritant on my throat. I was …

Met Firman at SIM

The second day suffering alone was more withstandable than the previous day. I loved students who were appreciative. I had my lunch with Daniel and his students followed us. The fish and chips at Clementi’s Botak Jones was filling but the frozen fish did not taste very good. Weitat gave me a ride to SIM …