My beautiful friend woke me up early in the morning to offer me to join in the fun to bring the hunks and babes for a free meal. Despite having only two hours of sleep two nights ago, being bitten by the burning sun and spending late night to support my celebrity friend’s performance, I …
Tag Archives: bastard
Losing Friends in Life
In life, we get to meet new friends often. Some get to stay while some move off to a more suitable crowd. “Hey, they are very nice people…” Sometimes we sigh after we move on to a different environment when it takes extra effort to meet up with one another to the extent that we …
In life, we must accept the fact
In life, we must accept the fact that some people may start drama behind us to destroy friendship. You never know that you may wake up one day losing one of your best friends and have no clue which common friend has played the devil. Skai Chan @
Manager of Costa Sands Sentosa Resort Called
[Monday, 7 February, 2011] I went to bed at 4am but could not doze off. It was 6am when I got up to do my work. I went back to sleep at 10 and woke up at 1pm in the end. The manager of Costa Sands Sentosa Resort called me and apologised for his staff’s …
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Another Bad Experience at MediaCorp
[Tuesday, 25 January, 2011] I went to bed at 2am and woke up at 7am for my haircut. The auntie had some conversation with me after the haircut as she advised me to speak up more. I went home to take my shower and rest before leaving my house for MediaCorp. I reached at around …
Cheapo Took My Old Umbrella
[Friday, 7 January, 2011] I started my day working on the new “Personal Tutors Needed” page for the tuition agency. I dozed off many times on the bed and went to sleep at 4.30am. I woke up after 10am and took the noodle cooked by my mum. I continued working on the tuition agency website …
Finally, Met up with Jenrine
[Tuesday, 4 January, 2011] I had some discussion with my younger brother and eventually I went to sleep at 2.30am. Failing to doze off, I joined my elder brother. I woke up after 10am and went to the office. Mike and I had our lunch at the second storey of Tanjong Pagar. He was then …
Being Cheated to Church Event for Second Time
[Saturday, 18 December, 2010] I was busy with the tuition blog and eventually I updated the website with Google Map. The display refused to show the new location and I wasted a lot of time trying out. I also finished up some minor amendments for the tuition’s flyer. Lastly, I updated email and password for …
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White Face and His Shameless Craps
[Thursday, 11 November, 2010] Since my mum had not got home from work, I took my shower before bringing Lucky down for a walk. I brought him into the shop and after some time, the ladyboss’ “white face” husband came out. He started telling me he disliked dogs and that Lucky might bite the customers’ …
My Birthday 2010
[Thursday, 4 November, 2010] Facebook kept me occupied for hours. It was tedious to reply to the birthday greetings; and at certain point of time, the flood overtook my pace. I went to bed at 4am. I managed to wake up on time. In the train, there was an insane uncle bothering me, asking me …