[Monday, 07 May, 2007] I slept at 4am and waked up at 9am before lazing on the bed. I managed to make it to office at 12pm sharp and waited for the meeting. It was quite pathetic for there were only five of us inclusive of James and Francis. They announced about the JTC flats, …
Tag Archives: friendster
Friendster Groups and Fake Friendster Accounts
There are many fake Friendster accounts surfacing recently. The culprit manages to register different accounts and uses his/her script to join Groups and post announcement/discussion to ask members to add “her”. Do not anyhow add new friends especially for guys, since the fake accounts are usually uploaded with hot girls’ pictures. One way to easily …
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Jialing’s Impostor
There are many kinds of people in this world, and sadly, those weird ones do appear in the internet. In this article I would focus on those shameless ones. Some people for whatever reasons, can resort to stealing pictures from others and claim to be the owners. This is common but I will condemn it …
Ridiculous Friendster Message
hi i’m anong one of those who recieved ur forwarded message about cockles sumwhere in october.. I’d just like to tell u i’m offended by ur forward n comments. Maybe u shouldn’t be so shallow n condemn others of their jobs.. U r just lucky to be able to live in cosy n well to …
Missing Old Friends
I was messaging the ex GESSians (Gan Eng Seng School students) in my Friendster friends list to join the Friendster group (url inactive and removed) and was amazed to realise I had so many ex schoolmates in my list; some had rarely talked to me in the past. Anyway, it was so tiring to message …
Friendster Groups
Since it came out months ago and suddenly disappeared in about a couple of days, Friendster Groups have finally surfaced again. Help me and help yourself to meet up with long lost ex secondary school friends of Gan Eng Seng School, go to http://www.friendster.com/group/tabmain.php?gid=51154 (url inactive and removed), join it and spread the URL around …
Yaozhong Finally Owns a Friendster Account
[Tuesday, 17 October, 2006] I registered a Friendster account for Yaozhong, who proclaimed himself as “Pierre”. I helped him to add our ex classmates and also updated some personal particulars for him, including a photo of him taken during our last outing, when he was doing his small business in front of the urinal. However, …
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Deletion of Friendster testimonials
[Wednesday, 04 October, 2006] I deleted some of my Friendster testimonials which were totally irrelevant to description of me; all the “Happy Birthday” and “Merry Christmas” were unfortunately not spared. A sudden thought of going through them made me realise the existence. I did not reject them immediately as to show respect and friendliness to …
Write a testimonial
There is a big problem with me that whenever I face any small problem, I take it too seriously to heart. This is why I always have lots of stress when problems come at the same time. Perhaps, for most people they would have decisively employed methods to solve them without as much consideration. The …
Quite neat number
Quite neat number In Friendster or similar networking websites, for every friend in your list, they have a few hundreds of friends as well; thus it is difficult to get a nice number of the “2 Degrees” friends. Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com