Register MSN Account with Non-Hotmail Email

Some people have been wondering how to use your Gmail account to sign up with using MSN messenger. I finally have the URL again. Go to (dead link by now) and under “Sign up today”, look out for the second header “Use an e-mail address you already have” and click the “Get started now” link …

MSN down

For those who fail to sign into MSN Live, you might want to try these but I cannot guarantee if it would work. Do it at your own risk. 1. Open the file – C:WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts2. Append these 2 lines to the bottom: dp.msnmessenger.akadns.net3. Save and close the file Note: Make sure you do not …

MSN live can use offline status to chat

[Tuesday, 29 August, 2006] When my net friend, Melody, messaged me in MSN a few days ago, I was quite amazed how come her status was “Offline”. At first I thought MSN was having some bugs. It had been this case that whenever you appeared “Offline” on purpose, you could not message anyone to chat …

Time to remove the tag [IRBSUX]

[Saturday, 12 August, 2006] First of all, I must thank Ivan, Gilberto, Xiao Hong (Siu Hang), Ah Boon, Fredrick and Hong Kiat for the overwhelming support to include the tag at their MSN nicks. Since the event has ended, we shall move on with our lives and look forward at a brighter side of the …