You sit alone but you cannot doze off. For hours, you almost fall off so many times and finally you know you can leave. Your colleague are having a meeting and you join in. Suddenly, your client knocks on the door and you go with him to take over two rooms. Before you can step …
Tag Archives: army
The art of Chao Keng
Over the months, I’ve learnt a lot from all ranks of interesting people. It isn’t the greatest novel but certainly able to inspire readers to comment through spitting to recommend the heroes. Well, the latest trend is to hold a file and walk around to pretend you’re busy. Meanwhile, you pop into the internet room …
See through body
I can’t believe it. After suffering for more than 5 years, being through so many doctors, none has done anything for me. Chinese physicians gave prescribed pills as tonic, others gave panadols or “deep heat” kind of cream. The doctor from Singapore General Hospital even suggested me not to go for x-ray since not all …
7 days light duty
I saw firework and then I saw lightning, yesterday was an amazing day. The fuse burst and the mixer refused to sing. The tremble filled the morning. I didn’t know who were there, maybe just the Chief of Signal, who had 3 crabs on his shoulder, with hundreds of people. The untested mixer that was …
Take a break
Been waiting for some posts for my ROC trip? I’m curious why they aren’t up yet. Yes I do know why – because I haven’t finished my writing. Well, you can’t expect much from a person who had to go back to work just the next day right after he returned from his three weeks …
I know why
From then on, I realised what are the reasons I hate to stay – not the amount of work. Human beings are always the factor to living. With hypocritical and screwed up management, with selfish and shy people, the place is hell. I remember doing all types of shit at Taiwan and there’s always a …
Leaving for ROC
I’m bringing my pain along to Taiwan. The aching on my back weakens my body. I’m glad to leave, to gain experience, as well as to escape from the craps I’m facing. It’s the first time I’m holding an international passport. I’m at total lost. It isn’t just a simple trip, not when I’m leaving …
Inspiring meeting
The meeting with Anthony on Monday evening added remorse to me. My repeated unexpected delay in the camp caused the movie catch to cancel off even though I sweat my uniform smelly on the first day of the week. We had dinner instead and I was guilty all along the way. We began discussion about …
The battle
Kind of being motivated somehow out of nothing, I wanted to stay on to battle, at least, until the crisis was over. Yet again, reality put me down. I was so lost, because sometimes I seemed to be taken granted for. I wasn’t sure if I could leave, but meanwhile I wanted to contribute. I …
Slave to tiredness
I bring myself full of hopes back, pinning for the better life. As the saying goes “the more hope you’ve the greater pain you’ll get”, it fits in tightly to my situation. Nobody understands me well for my heaven turns into hell. I can’t accept the setback and I live on to suffer. My life …