My Birthday 2010

[Thursday, 4 November, 2010] Facebook kept me occupied for hours. It was tedious to reply to the birthday greetings; and at certain point of time, the flood overtook my pace. I went to bed at 4am. I managed to wake up on time. In the train, there was an insane uncle bothering me, asking me …

Chinese New Year Greeting Message

[Monday, 19 February, 2007] There were so many different types of greeting messages for each festival and friends would forward them around so that I would receive duplicates. For me, I chose to be original and created my own. Then, I forwarded it to around two hundred plus number of people. If you did not …

Greeting Card from Huiying

[Thursday, 15 February, 2007] Comments I received my first Chinese New Year card after so many years. The deliveryman was not from Singpost but my neighbour. The very inefficient postman had delivered letter to wrong unit again and luckily my neighbour took the trouble to pass it to me. The card was from Huiying. Anyway, …