Last Day of Work and Farewell to my Younger Brother

[Wednesday, 31 March, 2010] Early in the morning on this special day, I was thrown to recall about one good reason for me to leave – the extra worthless stupid shit. While trying hard to settle the remaining of the MTRC, I was being arrowed, together with Weitat, to the lab to do some checking. …

Lunch with Christine, Eunice and Kevin

[Thursday, 25 March, 2010] I started off the day with regarding the PowerPoint slides with Alvin again. I had lunch with Eunice, Christine and Kevin finally since Christine suggested it months ago. Kevin took us to IMM in his cute green van. We went to the Swenson but the queue was long and hence we …

Lunch at 3 Monkeys and Completion of Resume

[Friday, 20 March, 2010] Early in the morning, I bothered Josephine for the last time regarding my resume. However, while she was clearing up the last mess, my two bosses stunned me as they called me over. I knew it from Kevin that they had actually requested him to stay behind for three more months …

Banking Department had Left

[Thursday, 19 March, 2010] Upon reaching the office, I was plagued with the fact that the banking colleagues were leaving. I was numbed in my brain. Their shifting to the Bishan campus was nothing compared to my dad’s departure more than ten years ago, but soon, I was going to feel so indifference without their …

It was not a Day for Volleyball

[Tuesday, 16 March, 2010] I finally got to dine together with my Shi Fu, Josephine. We went to IMM’s Fish and Co and she gave me very good guidance on my resume while waiting for the food. The meal was on me since she last treated me at New York New York the previous time …

Farewell Lunch for Zaki, Magdalene and Felina

[Friday, 12 March, 2010] My elder brother was helping me to upgrade my Windows before I dozed off. I woke up in the shock of my life for my files in the data drive were all gone. After some time, I discovered a new created folder inside the data drive and my files were found …

Last EIP Workshop

[Thursday, 11 March, 2010] I started the morning with phobia from the previous day. I reached Bukit Batok at my normal timing but Andrew was even earlier to set up everything, however, the headphones were misconnected again. He walked away before the lesson and needless to say, I had to do everything by myself. He …

Second Trekking at Dairy Farm Nature Park

[Wednesday, 10 March, 2010] The day started off terribly. It was pouring heavily and my pant got wet during the journey to Bukit Batok. My stomach was rebellious. I was surprised to see that Andrew had set up everything when I arrived, however, the headphones were all plugged in at the wrong slots. I made …

Badminton and Volleyball with Injured Left Shoulder

[Tuesday, 9 March, 2010] I started off my morning with the mosquito bites, waking up earlier than usual. My dread started again. Early in the morning, I set up everything at Bukit Batok while Weitat was back in Clementi to monitor his students’ examination. It was a good morning somehow since the teachers from Hillgrove …