[Friday, 28 July, 2006] I took a quick lunch, causing a stomach discomfort before rushing to the MMI physiotherapy centre. It was a relaxing afternoon since no physiotherapist was around. I took extra effort to ensure I had done my gym properly. When I was about to leave, Kenneth asked me to wait for him …
Tag Archives: mmi
The future permanent physiotherapist of MMI
[Friday, 23 June, 2006] It was a different experience at the MMI Physiotherapy centre. As Miss Archana had resigned, I was seeing different physiotherapists and I got to see this one who was going to take over fully officially but currently still running two clinics at the same time. I was informed of how military …
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Physiotherapy was scary
[Tuesday, 09 May, 2006] Nobody would believe that my body was so weak that I had fallen sick again with flu and cough. It was not that I had been taking junk food again, but being passed on; but I loved it still. Of course, I did not look like a sickly child. I made …
New physiotherapist
[Friday, 05 May, 2006] Even though I was a regular at the MMI physiotherapy centre, it was so different this time. Miss Archana was no longer working there and I was seeing the new physiotherapist for the first time. Luck was not with me in the morning as it was pouring again. I was lazy …
When MMI fails
I’m extremely disappointed in MMI (Military Medical Institute). Two days ago, the new guy called and cancelled my appointment once again. I raised my voice instantly because that was really outrageous but I managed to cool down somehow. My condition is worsening each day and the aching is tearing me apart soon. There is too …
My full day of medical appointments
Yesterday was a strengthless day with my back aching tremendously, which had weakened my whole body. There was soon nothing I could do to stop myself from dozing off while resting. Even though I needed not book in for I had medical appointment, I woke up early for the 8pm physiotherapy appointment. It was a …
I'm a good boy
It’s a new record! My timing has been improving for the past days. I’m quite determinate to train myself up in order to face the upcoming volleyball matches and to be the old me again. These three days I’ve been jogging downstairs my house at level three, which I estimate five rounds is equivalent to …