Injured Finger and Wrist

It was a rare morning sleeping throughout the silence till after sunrise. Thursday morning, I woke up feeling tired still after the long rest since I did not catch enough sleep the days before. I went to visit the Chinese physician and got myself eight days of medicine before going to work. Jingkun and I …

Last Volleyball Games before Hell Days Again

I had my last two sessions of volleyball because going into exile for another two to three months. Tuesday began with the badminton game. It was quite fine. Then, we went to West Coast Plaza to have dessert, however, ended up in an awkward situation, dining in a Chinese restaurant. In fact, almost no one …

Finally, Back to Beach

The sun showered me with too much love that my skin was burnt on this very interesting Monday, which was a holiday. The sleep after six pm in the morning and waking up less than two hours later for haircut left me exhausted. Before I could get back into deep sleep, Mingfa called to ask …

Volleyball after so Long

A long day began early in the morning. I struggled to leave my house as usual not long after the sun rose. Once again I gave myself extra work instead of concentrating or resting inside the office. Weitat was kind enough to accompany me for a quick brunch. The late afternoon was hours of torturing …

Volleyball and Second Stay-over at Weitat's Place

Last Thursday, Weitat hurried us after work and Jingkun drove us to Jurong Entertainment Centre to get MacDonald’s meals. It was my first time sitting inside Jingkun’s new baby and I was actually quite excited. The tactic used by the fast food restaurant was to give away free glass cup with each upsize of any …

85 after Volleyball

Tuesday’s volleyball was fine except that I did not play as well as what I had expected. It was probably not because of the recovering finger but the phobia and the expensive chicken rice caused burpings throughout the entire game. After the game, Weitat drove Mingfa, Jingkun and I to Bedok 85 where we met …