I can’t believe it. After suffering for more than 5 years, being through so many doctors, none has done anything for me. Chinese physicians gave prescribed pills as tonic, others gave panadols or “deep heat” kind of cream. The doctor from Singapore General Hospital even suggested me not to go for x-ray since not all …
Tag Archives: health
7 days light duty
I saw firework and then I saw lightning, yesterday was an amazing day. The fuse burst and the mixer refused to sing. The tremble filled the morning. I didn’t know who were there, maybe just the Chief of Signal, who had 3 crabs on his shoulder, with hundreds of people. The untested mixer that was …
Take a break
Been waiting for some posts for my ROC trip? I’m curious why they aren’t up yet. Yes I do know why – because I haven’t finished my writing. Well, you can’t expect much from a person who had to go back to work just the next day right after he returned from his three weeks …
How many days do you need?
Took a big round of walk around my neighbourhood but couldn’t grab a cab, in the end had to walk all the way. Just about to give up, a cab stopped right in front for someone else. Waited for 1.5 hours, doctor said dry eyes was too minor case for A&E department. The irritation started …
Slave to tiredness
I bring myself full of hopes back, pinning for the better life. As the saying goes “the more hope you’ve the greater pain you’ll get”, it fits in tightly to my situation. Nobody understands me well for my heaven turns into hell. I can’t accept the setback and I live on to suffer. My life …
Endure the pain
The feet ache badly and sometimes movement is difficult. The knees are never as weak, so useless that there’s always some minor pain upon each strengthless step. And soon comes the backache, swiftly taken over sovereignty after its long exile. Pressing on with the exhausted body, it seems challenging yet stupid. The worst thing is …
Slackers Institute
The management was inefficient. I was supposed to be posted into Infosys but the course was cancelled and I was transferred to Infocomm 1 at the end of the day. I tried to be lively, day by day I trained myself to be a happy man, but bad things don’t exile. I was trapped in …
I got upset
Whenever I get upset, my immunization system seems to be weaken till I can’t resist any virus attack. This is why I tend to get sick often. I had my worst diarrhoea last week, frequenting the toilet up to thirteen times in a day and thirty-eight times in four days. Giddiness and headache joined in …
The flu is jamming my brain cells and suddenly it starts to beat my head like a drum. Few hours to my usual beach outing and I’m still lacking of sleep. Just two days to my tests and I’m rotting at home, sitting in front of the old monitor, and staring at the television set. …
Medical Appointment
I was impressed upon the first visit to the Tan Tock Seng Medical Clinic. It looked more like a shopping centre, but much more spacious and clean. I wasn’t feeling great to be alone again, though others were envious of me. It was another big difference in thinking between my surrounding people and I. Walking …