“Online gaming in crisis over U.S. ban” – This is the latest news I get from the internet. For whoever is reading this post, I assume this will affect you in one or another way, because you are an internet user. How often have you seen popup poker or casino advertisement when you are surfing …
Tag Archives: highlight
A complaint letter
[Wednesday, 27 September, 2006] Gilbert had rectified my language and contents of a letter written in rage; it had somehow demoralised me but definitely made me realise how incompetent I was. He prompted me with many questions and left the final editing to me. In the end, I did not send it to the officials …
Booked a Birthday Chalet
[Saturday, 30 September, 2006] On the night before, I finally received Ouxiang’s letter which contained the Special package for holidays resort, given by SingTel. “Costa Sands – 2 Days 1 Night resort stay at Costa Sands Resort with 2 complimentary Wild Wild Wet tickets at S$60” After waking up, I started to message Wilson and …
Beware of borrowing library books
[Wednesday, 27 September, 2006] I borrowed two books from Woodlands library more than a month ago and managed to renew them at Bukit Merah library. The latest expiry date was on 27th September, 2006. But since I just took an operation and was not able to travel long distance, especially to take bus, I had …
If tomorrow never comes
If tomorrow never comes, I am afraid I could only say sorry. I have not gone for a movie with Anthony old man after the previous time my camp screwed it up for me. I have not gone for a cycling trip with Kenneth at Palau Ubin after all the delays. I have not met …
World Top Blogs
I have joined the “World Top Blogs” listing. If you are free, just help me click it to vote for me, which will take just seconds. I will not ask for more – just once a day will do. THANK YOU! I do not mean it seriously anyway. I hope my friends would spend their …
MSN down
For those who fail to sign into MSN Live, you might want to try these but I cannot guarantee if it would work. Do it at your own risk. 1. Open the file – C:WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts2. Append these 2 lines to the bottom: messenger.hotmail.com65.54.239.80 dp.msnmessenger.akadns.net3. Save and close the file Note: Make sure you do not …
Singapore General Hospital makes mistake
[Thursday, 31 August, 2006] I never liked the fact that my mum tagging me along for medication appointments unless I was in a situation when the doctors might think I was “Chao Keng” and thus the companion of parent by the side was greatly appreciated. I knew for sure there would be definitely restriction to …
As from Dictionary.com, the meanings of testimonial are 1. A statement in support of a particular truth, fact, or claim. 2. A written affirmation of another’s character or worth; a personal recommendation. 3. Something given in appreciation of a person’s service or achievement; a tribute. However, many people think otherwise. Let me take example from …
RSS makes reading easier
With the bloom of blogging, I have many friends who start to blog. As there are many links to click each time to view their sites, the work load becomes a hectic, especially when some sites take very long to load or have popup advertisement banners. Moreover, not everyone updates their blog site daily, thus …