Stayed Awake for the Lecture

I finally managed to remember to buy some herbal tea for Mrs Wo and Dorothy since they were having sore throat and also for Meihoe who was engaging in tough battles nowadays. There was a little peace saturating after the marking work was finished. I abandoned Jingkun, Daniel, Afni and Kevin to have lunch with …

The Work Stress and Gone Case Lecture

The day started miserably for I was doing poster design instead of going to sleep early. There were stress placed by colleagues even though I could push the load away since I had already told them I was extremely busy with other stuffs and my studies. I went to sleep after three AM to wake …

Saturday Lecture, Volleyball, Mingli’s Birthday and Hong Kong Cafe

I was planning to sleep early on Saturday morning but a friend messaged me in MSN and thus, slowed down my blogging speed. I woke up after seven AM for the morning lesson and it was hell sickening having to go back school on Saturday. It did not seem like a weekend at all. I …

Never a Lone Ranger at SIM Lecture Anymore

New design work arrived and I was not sure if bosses knew about it; I was not sure if I should notify them about it so that others would add in more workload for me when I was already at my throat. It was poster for anti-smoking campaign and thus I was interested in contributing …

First Day of School at SIM

It was difficult to get down to sleep early and I had to toss my body repeatedly to find the correct position but to realise that I could not doze off still. My legs were aching somehow and stretching them could only help a bit. My younger brother seemed to try to adapt to my …

Orientation at SIM

On Thursday, Daniel and Jennifer went outstation; Kevin met up with his friends while Weitat had pizza with his students. Jingkun and I went to Tradehub21 for lunch together with Mahani. We had the Muslim’s mixed vegetable rice and it cost me four bucks with the syrup drink. The food tasted okay. We went to …

Dragon Gate Buffet Dim Sum and Alone at SIM

Friday was rather an interesting day. I was so exhausted that I could not get up on time. Lunch was special since we went to Dragon Gate together with Daniel, Dorothy, Mrs Wo and Jonathan to have dim sum buffet and it was the first time we got to dine together with Mrs Wo and …