Housekeeping Days – Windows 7

On Monday, the first day of my off days, I started packing my cupboard. Since my elder brother had gone to Malaysia for holidays with his colleagues and girlfriend, I was able to squeeze some spaces to open the cupboard and unload the stuffs. I looked through the old lecture notes from my poly days …

Computer Auto restart but no sign of Improper Shutdown

My desktop has been failing on me. It restarts out of nothing at times. After it reboots, there is no sign of improper shutdown. I have tried booting my system in safe mode before running a full system virus scan, but it is a waste of time. Opening the CPU casing is easy but there …

Trojan Hijacking Google Adsense

A day before, I was fighting against some Trojans and spywares. That was probably caused by downloading of some cracks from the internet and my Norton Antivirus did not do enough to stop any intrusion internally. Anyway, I supposed it was nothing serious. The problem was that the images on all web pages opened by …

Downgraded to Microsoft Office 2003

People usually upgrade their software, but I’m doing the opposite. I’m not trying to be funny or sentimental but being forced to do it. The school is using office 2003 and thus I have to downgrade my computer’s office so that I can practise the work at home before going to class. Microsoft office 2007’s …

To The Office and The Stubborn Notebook

[Friday, 09 February, 2007] In the early morning, I was still trying to get the laptop done. However, there was no connection to my home network and that I could not transfer software over or go online. Then, I recalled notebook would probably require some drivers to be installed and that Kaven did not pass …

Windows Media Player 11 and Windows XP

Windows Media Player 11 was released a few days ago or even earlier. Out of nowhere, your windows might prompt you to upgrade, which you might happily click the agree button. However, for Windows XP users, please be caution that you have to validate your windows version before you can start using it. For those …