Filming for MediaCorp again

[Sunday, 7 March, 2010] I spent quite some time trying to find out what would a normal Singapore reporter wear for interviewing someone outside the court. Sleeping late, I still managed to wake up on time. However, the guard at the MediaCorp’s Radio Gate told me I had to go in by the main entrance …

The Longest Filming Hours

It had been quite some time since I stepped into Mediacorp again. During the previous time when I decided to help Jesedy, they called off the filming the night before it. Undercover again I had a tough battle against my sleep to wake up four hours after hitting my bed. Taking bus 167 to MacRitchie …

Year 2007 – The Year of Job Exploring

Year 2007 was a total new experience for me. I began the year as a property agent, continued from the previous couple of months. This period lay my poorest days for I did not get to receive my commission (pay) until months later. I gave up after almost half a year of trying for reasons:– …

Filming of Yuan Zhi Hui

This Thursday’s filming began disastrous but it ended up perfectly fine. First was the unexpected screaming from the SMRT bus driver regardless of reasons that I could not press the bell earlier. I managed to remain as gentleman by not debating, such that, I also managed to save the passengers from being delayed. The filming …

Filming with Fiona Xie and Dinner with Ben and Jesedy

It was a rainy day. I met the female “reporter” whom I saw a week ago. She was quite nice but a pity that our ages were too far apart and did not have endless topics to chat about. Fiona Xie was sitting in front of me on the packed bus and I was pretty …