The Work Stress and Gone Case Lecture

The day started miserably for I was doing poster design instead of going to sleep early. There were stress placed by colleagues even though I could push the load away since I had already told them I was extremely busy with other stuffs and my studies. I went to sleep after three AM to wake …

Saturday Lecture, Volleyball, Mingli’s Birthday and Hong Kong Cafe

I was planning to sleep early on Saturday morning but a friend messaged me in MSN and thus, slowed down my blogging speed. I woke up after seven AM for the morning lesson and it was hell sickening having to go back school on Saturday. It did not seem like a weekend at all. I …

Never a Lone Ranger at SIM Lecture Anymore

New design work arrived and I was not sure if bosses knew about it; I was not sure if I should notify them about it so that others would add in more workload for me when I was already at my throat. It was poster for anti-smoking campaign and thus I was interested in contributing …

PS I Love You

I kicked off Tuesday with the battle against the new design work. Due to the tight deadline, I wanted to accomplish the overall layout as soon as possible that I planned to do it overnight. The first barrier was the installation of Photoshop software. Photoshop CS3 was working properly before the reformatting of the operating …

Jennifer’s Farewell Lunch and New Project

Beginning of the week was very discouraging. There were many works awaiting for me to accomplish and I was not sure which to start with. The happiest moment of the morning was when Wee Lian asked me to join him for lunch together with bosses from other departments, however, it was Jennifer’s last day and …

Amara Hotel Food Court Western Food Stall Scam

I had my hair trimmed on Saturday evening. I was preparing to book the appointment for the next day but the auntie told me to go down immediately before she locked up the place. My mum went to find me and we crossed over the road to Amara hotel to dine at the food court …

NP Ex Classmates Meet-up for Christmas

I was expecting a big cool mass meet-up on Thursday, Christmas day itself. Jason and Lynn organised the NP ex classmates gathering to meet up at Cityhall and I thought everyone would be late since it was a big group outing but it turned out to be a bigger surprise. I made myself late for …

Lunch at Anchor Point

On Friday, Jennifer, Daniel, Jingkun, Weitat, Elvin, Kevin, Mahani and I lunched out together. We went to IKEA but it was too crowded that we decided to switch over to the opposite building – Anchor Point. The food court did not sell halai food and thus, we proceeded to the small banquet at the centre. …

Orientation at SIM

On Thursday, Daniel and Jennifer went outstation; Kevin met up with his friends while Weitat had pizza with his students. Jingkun and I went to Tradehub21 for lunch together with Mahani. We had the Muslim’s mixed vegetable rice and it cost me four bucks with the syrup drink. The food tasted okay. We went to …